Boudoir Is for People Just Like You
There is no average boudoir client. They range from age 19 to 75. Students, military (ask about discounts for military and spouses), single mothers, office professionals, there is no age, height, size, occupation, or any other category that would make you not the type of person who would enjoy a boudoir shoot.
No Modeling Experience Needed
No modeling experience - no problem. I coach everyone on poses and angles. For most of my clients, the last professional photoshoot they had was their high school yearbook photo. Most of my clients are in their 30s or 40s or 50s even, and are professionals or stay-at-home moms who just want to have this experience.
No wardrobe - no problem. We have an extensive lingerie collection and dress collection along with a collection of flowy silky fabrics that clients love for goddess vibes.
No idea what kind of looks you want - no problem. Less than half of our clients come in with specific looks or ideas for hair and makeup or poses. We have tons of ideas and we'll discuss it with you before the shoot. We also have an inspo gallery in the menu above.
Nervous - no problem. Almost everyone is at least a little nervous when they come in. It melts away fast and you will be surprised how much fun it is.
Check out this video I made with some behind the scenes of some of my shoots so you can see what we do here: